Ciclopirox varnish from Viatris laboratories contains 8% active molecule. This medication is used to treat nail fungus (onychomycosis) of the feet and hands . This condition is often caused by a fungus from the Dermatophyte family.
Ciclopirox varnish is also effective against yeast and certain bacteria. It penetrates the nail and destroys the fungus.
This medication against fungus is available without a prescription and is reserved for adults.
Dosage of Ciclopirox nail fungus
Before using this medicine, try to remove as much of the diseased nail as possible using a file, nail clippers or scissors.
Apply Ciclopirox Viatris nail polish in a thin layer every evening on the diseased nails.
Once a week, remove the layer of nail polish with nail polish remover.
Remove as much of the diseased nail as possible again.
Repeat the applications.
The duration of treatment is on average 3 to 6 months .
It is preferable not to use cosmetic nail polish during the treatment period.
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