How to order medicines from Austria?
Comment commander des médicaments depuis l’Autriche ?
¿Cómo pedir medicamentos de Austria?
Как заказать лекарства из Австрии?
Wie bestelle ich Medikamente aus Österreich?
Jak objednávat léky z Rakouska?

How to order medicines from Austria? There are 326 general pharmacies in Vienna and 13 more at hospitals. All are licensed and regularly inspected, and each sells about 6,000 prescription and over-the-counter items.

A huge number of pharmacies in Austria are open around the clock. In Austria, various vitamins and herbal teas can be purchased even in supermarkets and small shops, and more and more serious drugs can only be bought in pharmacies. You can be sure of their quality: all pharmacology in Austria meets the requirements of the European Union.

Pharmacists and pharmacists in Austria do not just sell medicines. Their responsibilities also include advising clients as prescribed by the doctor, checking dosages, and providing practical advice as needed. For example, if a patient wants to purchase a certain drug that cannot be dispensed without a prescription (and there are about 80% of such drugs in Austria), a pharmacist can advise its analog. Or hold a preventive conversation about the benefits of vaccination, proper nutrition, vaccinations when traveling to other countries, the ability to ask for a smoke, and other topics.

If you want to buy medicines from Austria, you can visit our website and order there, as our website sells medicines, medical products, cosmetics, vitamins, etc. available in Austrian pharmacies.

Night, 24-hour pharmacies in Vienna
Pharmacies de nuit 24h/24 en Vienne
Farmacias nocturnas 24 horas en Viena
Ночные, круглосуточные аптеки в Вене

Russian-speaking pharmacies in Vienna with delivery to Russia
Pharmacies russophones à Vienne avec livraison en Russie
Farmacias de habla rusa en Viena con entrega a Rusia
Русскоговорящие аптеки в Вене с доставкой в Россию

Order antiviral drugs in Austria
Commander des antiviraux en Autriche
Solicite medicamentos antivirales en Austria
Противовирусные препараты заказать в Австрия

What vitamins can be bought in Austria?
Quelles vitamines peut-on acheter en Autriche ?
¿Qué vitaminas se pueden comprar en Austria?
Какие витамины можно купить в Австрии?

Homeopathic pharmacy in Vienna
Pharmacie homéopathique à Vienne
Farmacia homeopática en Viena

What medicines can be bought in Austria without a prescription?
Quels médicaments peut-on acheter en Autriche sans ordonnance ?
¿Qué medicamentos se pueden comprar en Austria sin receta?
Какие лекарства можно купить в Австрии без рецепта?

We deliver medicines and medical products to different countries of the world. Order the necessary medicine on our website and receive it at home:


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