Online pharmacies in Holland
-аптеки Голландии
Pharmacies en ligne en Hollande
Farmacias online en Holanda
Online-Apotheken in Holland
Internetové lékárny v Holandsku

Internet pharmacies in Holland. Until the middle of the 19th century, there were no pharmacists in the Netherlands at all. Their duties were performed by doctors prescribing drugs of their own production to patients. Later, pharmacists and habitual pharmacies appeared, but the tradition of prescription pharmacies attached to the doctor’s office survived.

There are four types of pharmacies in the modern Netherlands:

  • retail;
  • prescription;
  • hospital;
  • pharmacy supermarkets.

On the central streets and squares, there are mainly retail pharmacies. They are familiar to us.

There are online pharmacies in the Netherlands that only sell prescription drugs. If you want to buy prescription drugs, you must have a doctor’s prescription or you won’t be able to get one.

But there are also pharmacies in the Netherlands that sell over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and supplements.

Buying medicines in Holland
Acheter des médicaments en Hollande
Compra de medicamentos en Holanda
Покупка лекарств в Голландии

Can I order medicines online from Holland?
Puis-je commander des médicaments en ligne depuis la Hollande ?
¿Puedo pedir medicamentos en línea desde Holanda?
Можно ли заказать лекарства через интернет из Голландии?

Analogs of medicines in the Netherlands

Analogues de médicaments aux Pays-Bas
Análogos de medicamentos en los Países Bajos.
Аналоги лекарств в Нидерландах

Where to order popular medicines in Holland?
Où commander des médicaments populaires en Hollande ?
¿Dónde pedir medicinas populares en Holanda?
Где заказать популярные лекарства в Голландии?

How to order medicines from Amsterdam with home delivery?
Comment commander des médicaments depuis Amsterdam avec livraison à domicile ?
¿Cómo pedir medicamentos desde Amsterdam con entrega a domicilio?
Как заказать медикаменты из Амстердама с доставкой на дом?

Buying the best medicines in Holland with delivery to Europe
Acheter les meilleurs médicaments en Hollande avec livraison en Europe
Comprando los mejores medicamentos en Holanda con envío a Europa
Покупка лучших лекарств в Голландии с доставкой в Европу

What medicines can be bought in the Netherlands without a prescription?
Quels médicaments peut-on acheter aux Pays-Bas sans ordonnance ?
¿Qué medicamentos se pueden comprar en los Países Bajos sin receta?
Какие лекарства можно купить в Голландии без рецепта?

If you want to buy Dutch medicines, you can use our online pharmacy and order the medicines you need.

We ship worldwide. Order now, receive it at the specified address

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