Embark on a rescue mission with the Paw Patrol for Paw Patrol vehicles from the Die -Cast series! Open the Patrolship HQ and enjoy the fun! Launch vehicles and start various rescue missions! Includes 1 Die-Cast vehicle – Robo Piesek.
All hands on deck! The Paw Patrol is an ideal rescue vehicle that allows you to transport several vehicles. Store your PAW Patrol vehicles inside the patrol ship and go on an adventure! When unfolded, the patrolman creates a slide – a car launcher.
The set includes a figurine – Robo Pieska vehicle! Your child’s imagination will enter a world of canine rescue missions full of friendship, cooperation and courage. The Paw Patrol comes into action with his Patrolman!
Buy Paw Patrol Patroller Robo Pies 6053406, Spin Master
PricePaw Patrol Patroller Robo Pies 6053406, Spin Master
Цена Paw Patrol Patroller Robo Pies 6053406, Spin Master
Купить Paw Patrol Patroller Robo Pies 6053406, Spin Master
Acheter Paw Patrol Patroller Robo Pies 6053406, Spin Master
Prix Paw Patrol Patroller Robo Pies 6053406, Spin Master
ComprarPaw Patrol Patroller Robo Pies 6053406, Spin Master
Precio Paw Patrol Patroller Robo Pies 6053406, Spin Master