«Substances: palm oil, coconut oil, selenoids, carotenoids, tocoferol, iron oxide, iron hydroxide, ascorbic acid, gelatin, lecithin, sorbitol, glycerin, bean curd, olive oil, soy oil.
Vitamin A and Selenium for the normal functioning of the immune system.
The microelements of Selenium and vitamins provide protection from oxygen stress.
Recommended dosage: Take 1 capsule of один раз в день, запивая достаточ ным количеством жидкости, время время ды.
The current recommendation is not ready.
Storage: Store in a warm place (6–25 °C) and protected from light outside. Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.»
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Цена Twardy apothekenexklusiv,Carotene Mega + Selenium 30
Buy Twardy apothekenexklusiv,Carotene Mega + Selenium 30
Price Twardy apothekenexklusiv,Carotene Mega + Selenium 30