Z vibrator
Rerek vibrator
Vibrator blades: Probe, Mini, Preefer, Bite-n-Chew Tip XL with spikes, Flat Spoon Tip – flat spoon with spikes, SpoonTip Hard smooth, Tongue
Probe, non-vibrating spatula
ProPreefer non-vibration paddle
Why is it worth it?
The set includes two speech therapy vibrators that help speech therapists work with children with speech disorders.
7 paddle vibrators for the treatment of speech disorders.
Non-vibrating spatulas can be used for massage and sensory enhancement.
An aesthetic box containing all the elements, convenient for carrying.
The Z-Vibe vibrator operates at high frequency and low amplitude. Together with the spatulas included in the set, it can be used to treat speech disorders, sensory disorders and feeding therapy.
Due to its large vibration amplitude, the Rerek vibrator is especially recommended for the treatment of labor and induction of the sound R. Using the appropriate tip, the tongue should be vibrated, which will help initiate the correct articulation of the sound.
Vibrator spatulas can be used in rhotacism therapy, tongue verticalization and lateralization, therapy during feeding, massage of gums, cheeks, lips, biting and chewing therapy. You can also diversify the sensory experiences for adults and children.
The oronavigator is used to practice lateral movements of the tongue and helps familiarize the tongue with lateral movements.
Non-vibrating spatulas (Probe and ProPreefer) can be used to massage the gums, lips, cheeks, palate and tongue.
All elements are enclosed in an aesthetic suitcase with compartments.”
Buy Rerek,Speech therapy case with Rerek Z-vibe vibrators and spatulas + P CARDS
Price Rerek,Speech therapy case with Rerek Z-vibe vibrators and spatulas + P CARDS
Цена Rerek,Speech therapy case with Rerek Z-vibe vibrators and spatulas + P CARDS
Купить Rerek,Speech therapy case with Rerek Z-vibe vibrators and spatulas + P CARDS
Acheter Rerek,Speech therapy case with Rerek Z-vibe vibrators and spatulas + P CARDS
Prix Rerek,Speech therapy case with Rerek Z-vibe vibrators and spatulas + P CARDS
Comprar Rerek,Speech therapy case with Rerek Z-vibe vibrators and spatulas + P CARDS
Precio Rerek,Speech therapy case with Rerek Z-vibe vibrators and spatulas + P CARDS