Coughs, colds, sore throats, and runny noses are common in children and are not usually a cause for concern.
However, in some cases, coughs and colds are signs of a serious illness, such as pneumonia or tuberculosis.
A child with a cough or cold should be kept warm and encouraged to drink plenty of fluids and eat normally.
Children should be in the fresh air, in a stable temperature regime (18-20 ° C), excluding side winds, provided with plenty of food and drink.
Coughs and colds spread easily. People with coughs and colds should avoid coughing or sneezing in the presence of children.
A child with a fever should be bathed in warm, not cold water. In areas where malaria is common, fever can be dangerous. The child should be checked immediately.
A child with a cough or cold should clean their nose often, especially before eating or sleeping. A humid environment can make breathing easier.
It is recommended to keep the air in the child’s room humid.
Coughs, colds, sore throats, and runny noses often resolve without medication. But sometimes these diseases are signs of pneumonia, in which case it is necessary to take medication as prescribed by the attending physician.
The child should be taken immediately to a health facility or qualified health care provider if any of the following are present:
- the child is breathing much faster than usual. For a child aged 2-12 months: 50 or more times per minute, for a child aged 1-5 years: 40 or more times per minute,
- the child is having difficulty breathing or is holding his breath,
- the lower part of the chest retracts when the baby takes a breath, or the stomach seems to rise;
- the child has been coughing for more than a week,
- the baby is unable to breastfeed or take liquids;
- the child often vomits.
Food rich in vitamins helps protect against respiratory and other diseases, speeds up recovery.
A child with a persistent cough needs urgent medical attention. The child may have tuberculosis, a lung infection. This is a serious illness that can lead to the death of a child or damage to the lungs.
Children and pregnant women are particularly at risk when exposed to cigarette smoke or fire. Thus, they are more likely to develop pneumonia or other respiratory diseases.
We offer medicine for children’s cough and cold, which you can order from our online pharmacy
- Sinecod 5 mg/ml 20ml
- Petit Drill Cough syrup for children 125ml
- Pelafen Kid MD Colds syrup 100 ml
- Organic oil for colds for babies 20ml
- Dicopeg Junior free 100g
This and other medicine for children’s colds and coughs order here
Recall that medicines should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.