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Biocollagenix, Concentrated Anti-Age Facial Treatment ,1,Biocollagenix, Skoncentrowany zabieg przeciwstarzeniowy do twarzy,1,Esi

Esi Biocollagenix is ​​a facial treatment indicated to counteract the signs of skin aging , guaranteeing a visible result already 1 hour after applying the ampoule.

Biocollagenix, Hydrogel Eye Patches – 10 Eye, Biocollagenix, Hydrożelowe płatki pod oczy – 10 sztuk,Patches,ESI

Biocollagenix Eye Patch moisturises and relaxes the skin, reduces signs of fatigue and reduces puffiness and the appearance of dark circles.

ESI – Bio Collagenix – Anti-Aging Plus Cream 50 Ml, ESI

Formulated to fortify mature skin, giving comfort, nourishment and luminosity thanks to the mix of natural components.