Showing 73–83 of 83 results

Tactica Pharmaceuticals,Larimax T 20ml

Larimax T alivia la irritación, el malestar, el dolor y la sensación de dolor de garganta.

Tactica Pharmaceuticals,Mucoatac 600 mg 10

Mukoatak for the treatment of moist cough with delaying discharge, it facilitates the expectorant.

Tactica Pharmaceuticals,OLIT 20 ml

Olit, a spray for the mouth and throat from irritation, dryness, inflammation and pain.

Tactica Pharmaceuticals,Phlegtac cough ,Flegtac kaszel 1.6 mg/ml 200 ml

Flegtac Couth has an expectorant effect due to liquefaction of the secret that remains in the respiratory tract.

Unia,Thiocodin 15 mg + 300 mg 16

Thiocodin tablets are an antitussive drug, reduces the frequency of coughing, and the second facilitates expectoration.

Unia,Thiocodin 15 mg + 300 mg/10 ml 100 ml

Thiocodin lecarsven preparation in the form of syrup, isopropyl alcohol treatment of a naive cough, a sore throat secret.

Unia,Uniben for use in the oral cavity,Uniben do stosowania w jamie ustnej 1.5mg/1ml 30ml

Uniben is a medicinal product in the form of an aerosol for use in acute inflammations of the oral cavity and throat, which has a local anti-inflammatory, analgesic, pain-relieving and disinfectant effect.

Unia,Uniben Silver 30ml

Uniben Silver, an oral spray, supports the treatment and relieves the symptoms of sore throat caused by bacterial and viral infections.

Unia,Unituss Junior 0.06 g/10ml 120 ml

Unituss Junior is used in the symptomatic treatment of dry cough of various origins (e.g. lung cancer, upper and lower respiratory tract infections, whooping cough).

WICK Pharma ,VapoRub 25 g

Original price was: €8.33.Current price is: €7.35.
WICK VapoRub ointment is effective for coughs, colds, hoarseness and mucus.

WICK Pharma,Cough syrup against dry cough with honey,Hustensirup gegen Reizhusten mit Honig 120 ml

Original price was: €8.87.Current price is: €7.83.
A medicine for the treatment of cough for adults and adolescents aged 14 years and older.